Flowers and Foam

April 2, 2011 at 4:00 PM (crafting, crafts) (, , , , , )


Craziness!  Where does the time go?  Last time I posted here was like 6 or 7 weeks ago — guess I’ve been pretty busy.  And the only real thing I have to show for all that time is the paperwork and communications related to the order we’re shipping out tomorrow.  Oh well!

One thing I did manage to get done during that time was to get a couple of  (better) photos for some of the crafts I’ve talked about in previous posts.  Yep.  Really loving these little carved snowman styrofoam sculptures.  We had them around our display of mini Bali trees during Christmas season.

I’ve talked about my friend, Nik, in previous posts, but for new readers – she is my friend and Creative Assistant.  Her family is from the village of Mas here in Bali, known for its skilled woodcarvers.   Nik is no exception – but she carves anything.  She made these in two days.  I finished them up with the paint, glitter and ribbons.  Love that girl!


Snowman vignettes hand-carved from styrofoam

Here’s another example of her styrofoam carving – the lotus flower base of our zen sculpture .  The meditating figure is made from cardboard tube and quilled/ filigreed foil paper.  That base (including the lotus blossoms) is a single piece of styrofoam, the bottom is covered with felt


Lotus Pond Meditation


We’ve done a few other models of both the snowmen and the zen sculpture with different bases.  Someday I’ll try to get some photos of those posted.   In the meantime, let me know what you think about these.   Have you ever tried carving styrofoam?  If so, feel free to post the link.



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